Rahvusvaheliselt toimub lennusport FAI reeglite ja võistlusmäärustike järgi. Reeglid on koostatud maailma parimatest lennundusasjatundjatest rahvusvaheliste komisjonide poolt ja neid kohandatakse muutuvate olude järgi igal aastal.
FAI liikmed on kõik tugevamad lennundusmaad:
Mudellennu ülemaailmsed reeglid on siin:
http://www.fai.org/fai-documents (Aeromodelling)
Lähim rahvusvahelise võistlus toimub järgmisel nädalavahetusel Soomes:
Need mudellennukid võivad kaaluda kuni 5 kg, tegelikult kaaluvad üldjuhul alla 2 kg, sest kergematel on lennus eeliseid.
Maailma parimad lendajad treenivad muuseas pea iga päev, tehes kümneid lende ühes trennis.
Mittesportlikul eesmärgil droonid, mis
ei mahu FAI tingimuste alla loetakse eriklassiks ja neil on hoopis teised lennureeglid ja riigilõivud.
a) A model aircraft is an aircraft of limited dimensions, with or without a propulsion device, not able to
carry a human being and to be used for competition, sport or recreational purposes
b) For the whole flight, a radio-controlled model aircraft shall be in the direct control of the flier, via a
transmitter, and in the flier’s sight other than for momentary periods.
c) For control line model aircraft, the flier must physically hold the control line handle and control the
model aircraft himself.
d) Free flight model aircraft must be launched by the flier and must not be controlled remotely during the
flight other than to stop the motor and/or to terminate the flight
e) A model aircraft shall not be equipped with any device that allows it to be flown automatically to a
selected location.
f) In the case of record attempts conducted under Part 2, the claimant(s) shall confirm that the submitted
record claim is for a model aircraft record as noted in Table III.
a) Unless otherwise stated, model aircraft shall meet the following general specifications:
Maximum flying weight with fuel ................................................ 25 kg
Maximum surface area ............................................................... 500 dm2
Maximum loading ....................................................................... 250 g/dm2
Maximum swept volume of piston motor(s) ............................... 250 cm3
Electric Motors power source max. no load voltage .................. 72 volts
Maximum total thrust of turbines ................................................. 25kg (250 Newton)
b) Noise limits shall be applied to powered model aircraft categories, with 96 dB(A) at 3 metres for any
category which does not have approval for any other noise rule. Specific noise measuring
procedures are to be developed by each Sub-committee for its category.
c) Noise limits do not apply to model aircraft with electric motors or equipped with turbines.