O: Pult ja vastivõtja
O: Pult ja vastivõtja
Ostan töökorras saatja ja vastuvõtja. Hind võiks jääda umbes 700-800 kanti.
Äkki täpsustad, kas lennuki-helikopteri või auto-laeva ("püstol") saatjat tahad?
Lauri Laidna - www.pistik.com
Kit contents:
Plastic fuselage with factory-fitted electric motor and electronic speed controller, folding propeller and spinner
Servos and control linkages installed
Receiver fitted and connected, ready to use
Flight battery
Beeper to locate the model after an out-landing
Fitted canopy with folding mechanism
One-piece wing, press-formed in moulds, with plastic surface and root reinforcements
Ready-made tail panels with control surfaces attached
4-channel transmitter on the 35 MHz band
Flight battery charge lead
Charge lead
Decal sheet
Comprehensive operating instructions
Kit contents:
Plastic fuselage with factory-fitted electric motor and electronic speed controller, folding propeller and spinner
Servos and control linkages installed
Receiver fitted and connected, ready to use
Flight battery
Beeper to locate the model after an out-landing
Fitted canopy with folding mechanism
One-piece wing, press-formed in moulds, with plastic surface and root reinforcements
Ready-made tail panels with control surfaces attached
4-channel transmitter on the 35 MHz band
Flight battery charge lead
Charge lead
Decal sheet
Comprehensive operating instructions
Futaba T8FG
TBS Discovery
GoPro 3 BE +
TBS Discovery
GoPro 3 BE +